Tuesday, March 23, 2010

making baby food

i know i've talked about these items before but yesterday, i was cleaning out my freezer and found a third of a bag of frozen mango in there. i didn't really want to eat it and my husband didn't want mango for anything so instead of letting it go to waste, i thawed it for my assistant. once it was thawed, i drained the water and put it in my quick chef. this was about 5 or 6 turns and i had mashed up mango. (i searched everywhere in the house for my camera and couldn't find it so sorry, no pictures!)
then, because he's not going to eat all of that in the next day or two, i poured the mango into my ice cube tray and put the lid on! ready for later!

baby food cubes


  1. I did all my kid's baby food that way. It was great. I would transfer them after they were frozen into another container as I made lots of batches. It was so easy and rewarding!
