Monday, August 23, 2010

hamburger press demo

I always wondered why you'd ever go to the trouble of making your own burgers when you can just buy them pre-made. I earned my Tupperware burger press for free for my sales one week (a great perk of selling Tupperware - all the free Tupperware you earn!) and it sat in my cupboard for awhile. Then at one of our Tupperware rallys (where we meet up with other consultants to learn some more about Tupperware and see new product or demos), there was discussion and demo on the hamburger press and I was so intrigued. If you make your own burgers, you know what's going into them! you can buy your organic ground beef or turkey if you want and make your burgers with that. Or what about salmon? It's in season right now! Make salmon burgers. I had no idea I even would like salmon burgers until this summer! There are also SO many great veggie burger recipes out there - so CHEAP to make but so expensive to buy pre-made! So while it's very easy to buy a pack of frozen burgers, it's almost just as easy to make them with the Tupperware Hamburger Press. My husband cannot believe how much better they are - he says he's never going back to frozen patties! Here's a demo that I made before dinner this weekend. (scroll down to below the video to get a super simple burger recipe)

1 egg
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 lb. ground beef
1/2 cup breadcrumbs

Mix together. Follow my demo video. BBQ. Eat with buns, bbq sauce, cheese, fixings. Yum!

The Hamburger Press and Hotdog Keeper set is only around until the 27th! In BC, we can BBQ all year round so get your press now so you can bbq healthier for the rest of the year and years to come. A one time purchase with a lifetime guarantee? A steal of a DEAL!

Want to make more than 5 patties and store them in the freezer? Also only available until the 27th: the Hamburger Keep set

An order is going in on Thursday, August 26th if you want to get in on it - email me at

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